THIS IS NOT GRAFFITI! Style and message

We hit the metrop­o­lis in the 1980s. The city is adorned with graf­fi­ti and paint­ed walls. Some a sign of van­dal­ism, some incred­i­ble art cre­ations. In almost all cas­es of ille­gal cre­ation by activists who want­ed to con­vey mes­sages to the pub­lic or express their world­view in their own way. The graf­fi­ti scene was asso­ci­at­ed with the under­ground sub­cul­ture of hip-hop, break-dance, as well as oth­er artis­tic movements.

There are no restric­tions on graf­fi­ti. A free art field that cov­ers illus­tra­tions, paint­ings and cap­tions of all kinds. Some graf­fi­ti is fast, spon­ta­neous and direct, oth­er thought­ful and planned, per­haps legal. Some­times with sprays, some­times with paint rollers, some­times with large brush­es. Some­times sten­cils, some­times sketch, some­times nothing.

Graf­fi­ti goes back to antiq­ui­ty, but mod­ern graf­fi­ti start­ed – no, not in New York – but in Philadel­phia in the late 1950s, and in thisČrkoslikarije’s edi­tion will think about mes­sages, ideas and spell them out, chose the colour­ing meth­ods and sign-paint the graf­fi­ti lettering.



First sketch your let­ter­ing, then choose colours and paintž1