THIS IS NOT GRAFFITI! Style and message
We hit the metropolis in the 1980s. The city is adorned with graffiti and painted walls. Some a sign of vandalism, some incredible art creations. In almost all cases of illegal creation by activists who wanted to convey messages to the public or express their worldview in their own way. The graffiti scene was associated with the underground subculture of hip-hop, break-dance, as well as other artistic movements.
There are no restrictions on graffiti. A free art field that covers illustrations, paintings and captions of all kinds. Some graffiti is fast, spontaneous and direct, other thoughtful and planned, perhaps legal. Sometimes with sprays, sometimes with paint rollers, sometimes with large brushes. Sometimes stencils, sometimes sketch, sometimes nothing.
Graffiti goes back to antiquity, but modern graffiti started – no, not in New York – but in Philadelphia in the late 1950s, and in thisČrkoslikarije’s edition will think about messages, ideas and spell them out, chose the colouring methods and sign-paint the graffiti lettering.
First sketch your lettering, then choose colours and paintž1