ART DECO … or how easy it is to create something elegantly luxurious

Črkoslikar­i­je will jump into the peri­od between the two wars when the Art Deco style became estab­lished. At that time, the cul­ture of film, pho­tog­ra­phy, print, posters, and adver­tis­ing expand­ed — espe­cial­ly in the Unit­ed States, and con­sumerism was boom­ing. This style was char­ac­ter­ized by pure geo­met­ric shapes, strong ver­ti­cal lines, Egypt­ian pat­terns (Tutankhamen’s tomb was dis­cov­ered in 1922), chrome, glass, lumi­nous fab­rics, mir­rors, styl­ized images of planes, cars, cruis­ers, sky­scrap­ers and a touch of lux­u­ry. The typog­ra­phy was also sub­or­di­nate to geo­met­ric shapes, often con­tain­ing ele­gant dec­o­ra­tion. There were signs on cin­e­mas, the­atres, pres­ti­gious clubs and ele­gant posters.

We will paint a shiny, ele­gant majus­cule (a cap­i­tal letter :))