ROMAN CAPITAL … or how letters were carved for the emperor

This time the Črkoslikarije’s time machine will stop in ancient Rome: in times of the Latin lan­guage and at the birth of the Latin writ­ings, in the peri­od of the Roman emper­or Tra­jan, who ruled Rome from 98 to 117 AD. A mag­nif­i­cent, 35-meter-high pil­lar was erect­ed in hon­our of his rule that stands still today. The pil­lar design inspired many oth­er pil­lars that were to build lat­er. The spi­ral on the pil­lar with reliefs depicts more than 2500 scenes that artis­ti­cal­ly depict the wars between the Romans and the Dacians. An inscrip­tion with the famous ruler Tra­jan was engraved on the main board at the entrance of the high pil­lar lead­ing to the spi­ral stair­case. The inscrip­tion is impor­tant because this script served as a basis for future records and is con­sid­ered to be the birth of Latin. The shapes of these let­ters are called mon­u­men­tal Roman cap­i­tals and are the basis for Latin cap­i­tal letters.

At the work­shop, we will paint Roman numer­als with three-dimen­sion­al concave/convex shading.