Helena Cimperšek Božič aka Kuroko

Kuroko is my long-stand­ing nick­name and the sto­ry of it is long … I’d rather just say briefly that I was made to cre­ate: with a pen­cil, brush, vec­tors and pix­els, with a cam­era, with a voice in front of a micro­phone, and also with a stove if I’m hon­est. I like telling sto­ries and draw let­ters. I received my for­mal edu­ca­tion as a graph­ic design­er at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ljubl­jana, and infor­mal­ly, as an anchor, at Radio Štu­dent. Among oth­er things, I worked on the nar­ra­tive project Za dva groša fan­taz­i­je, and refined at the Tipo­br­da work­shops under the guid­ance of domes­tic and for­eign men­tors. Most of all, the moth­er­hood made me what I am the most: two aspir­ing ones are chal­leng­ing me every day.