UNCIAL … or how the upper and lower case letters were once combined

Črkoslikar­i­je will jump into antique. In ancient Greece and Rome, the writ­ing was used in two ways: stone-carved inscrip­tions and papyrus inscrip­tions. The ancient Greeks had their own writ­ings, they devel­oped it from Phoeni­cian. Dur­ing the cen­turies of its rule, it was car­ried over to near­by lands, includ­ing the Apen­nine Penin­su­la, where they had their colonies.

In the cen­turies when peo­ples were unit­ed in the Roman state, the script also adapt­ed to Latin. Thus the basis for Latin was cre­at­ed: Roman mon­u­men­tal cap­i­tals (for carv­ing on mon­u­ments). How­ev­er, cur­sive and rus­tic have been devel­oped for writ­ing on parch­ment and waxed tiles.

And while cap­i­tal (‘cap­i­tal let­ters’ or ‘majus­cule’) remained vir­tu­al­ly unchanged to this day, ital­ics quick­ly changed their form: in the cen­turies that fol­lowed, it was again influ­enced by hand­writ­ing tech­niques from Greece (e.g., trans­la­tion of Bible scrip­tures from Greek into the first half of the 4th cen­tu­ry). The let­ters thus became more round­ed and curved, allow­ing few­er strokes and faster writ­ing. Over time, the angle of the writ­ing pen changed as well … thus, an uncial was cre­at­ed: sin­gle-height or. one inch font. Uncial was the most com­mon type­face for writ­ing books from the 4th to the 8th centuries.

Does­n’t uncial resem­ble the Greek alphabet?

In the let­ter paint­ings, we will paint a short word in uncial on the impreg­nat­ed wood board.

Suit­able for old­er ele­men­tary stu­dents, 10+